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Join The Team


Our syllabus is used by all of our schools to give them direction on what we teach, provide outlines for our lessons and be a central hub of CodeYourFuture's education knowledge.

Historically, all of the content was created and maintained by the Lead Teachers of each module. This has some benefits in that teachers get to teach their content immediately for instant feedback - however we've often found that incremental improvements have been harder to achieve as volunteers are moved onto the next module.

For this reason, it makes sense to have a team of people who can focus outside of a class cycle on improving and maintaining the syllabus. By giving people the space to work on class material and exercises outside of the rush class time we can build a culture of continuous improvement and iteration.

Why would you do this role?

You might be interested in this role if you want to

  • be a driving force in the direction of our teaching
  • have an impact on all of the schools in our network
  • contribute to an open-source first community
  • tuning your skills in content creation

Role & Responsibilities

Exercises & Challenges

Our syllabus has a small but growing array of homework, exercises and challenges that we can assign to our trainees to teach and test what they learning in the class.

This content makes up the bulk of our content and is one of the main ways that our trainees can learn what we are teaching in classes.

This role involves

  • Developing coursework exercises for modules
  • Developing challenges for React/Node/MongoDB
  • Curating broader coursework for modules

Updating Teaching Contents

Over time, certain areas of our syllabus age and have to re-written or replaced as the technology evolves. In addition, volunteers may flag areas of the syllabus as being weaker of lesser quality than others.

This role involves

  • Turning teacher changes into teachable content
  • Re-writing specific content as we see fit

Coordinating and Running Workshop

We have many other topics that our community wants to learn about that lie outside of our syllabus. Additionally, we also have a lot of subject area experts come to us with topics for workshops that would not be helpful for all of our trainees.

This role involves

  • Coordinating workshops with course creators
  • Organising workshop events for our trainees & graduates

Reviewing Changes

For all of the above, we need a Peer Review system in place to catch any bugs or errors. This will also include contributions made from outside of the Syllabus Contributor team

This role involves

  • Checking Pull Requests for error when they are raised
  • Approving or Rejecting changes


This role can grow and shrink depending how much time you have.

At a minimum it requires

  • One meeting every two weeks for sprint planning
  • An hour a week to review Pull Requests

In addition to this, time you can commit to the above tasks is where the bulk of the work will happen.


We are organised into bi-weekly sprints where members of the team can pick up as much as little work as they like.

Work is coordinated on these Planning Boards

Communication primarily happens on Slack in

  • #cyf-syllabus - General discussion and planning
  • #cyf-syllabus-feed - Updates via a Slack bot for PRs to the Syllabus