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CYF Blocks (8h)

Pick one or more of the following projects, define its requirements by writing the user stories, iteratively develop it in CYF Blocks, and ship it!

Share one of your projects in Google Classroom, not forgetting to include:

  • Your user stories
  • Your CYF Blocks implementation (using the share button)
  • Your deployed website

Share your deployed website in your cohort's Slack channel.

Linkedin profile (PD - 1 hr)

Professional communication is critical when it comes to landing a role. Employers are looking for passionate candidates and use platforms like Linkedin to source future employees.

Set up your LinkedIn profile. Let employers know that you have built your first product and started your journey into the tech industry.

Soft skills research (PD - 1 hr)

It’s time to do your research. It’s time to get familiar with the industry that you want to work in. Search for roles on Google: look at the person specifications that companies are hiring for.

Fill out the form below with the three soft skills employers are currently looking for. You will find roles on CW Jobs, Linkedin, Indeed, and any jobs board.

Employers are looking for Full Stack developers that can:

  1. Build rapport with a diverse range of people

Employers are looking for Front End developers that can:

  1. Effectively present information and respond to questions from management, business, and users.

Employers are looking for UX designers that can:

Employers are looking for QA testers that can:

Employers are looking for product managers that can: