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Welcome to week three. In week three we will explore delivery. Delivery is the catch-all term for shipping your code, or putting it in online, in a public place where real people can use it. This ability is key to being a successful professional developer.

Learning objectives


Exercise (15 minutes)

In groups of no more than 5, we’re going to play a game of telephone again.


Blockers (45 minutes)

Exercise: 5 mins

Join the Jam board and add your blockers. Make sure to add only one blocker per note.

Now let's talk through our blockers and live code together.

Shipping it


It's important that software works and that other people can use it

Today we will spend most of our time working together on our projects in timed bursts of 25 minutes. This is called the Pomodoro Technique, and it will help you manage your self study. On the 5 minute break, get up from your computer and move your body: stretch! This is hard work. We will develop and then ship our code repeatedly throughout the day. Each time we ship, we will ship something that works.

  • Pick one of the CYF Blocks projects and ship it to your website
  • Choose a way to improve upon the project to make it better suited to your website. Modify your CYF Blocks implementation then ship it!
  • Get feedback from one of your peers: what new requirement would they like to add? Can you implement this in CYF Blocks? Ship it again!

A skateboard to a bike to a car

How will you work together? Using the collaborative tools you have learned during this course:

You are part of a cohort

  • together: identify your blockers
  • in small groups: define your goals as user stories
  • in pairs: iteratively improve your products

PD (presentation)

Session objective: You have now developed several products. It’s time to deliver like a professional.

As a developer, you will

  • develop an MVP
  • test your product
  • be transparent about the challenges you have faced
  • discuss the next iteration of your product

Developers are always iterating their products, which is why you might experience software updates on your devices at home. Each iteration is shared in public. It’s time to showcase your work.


Exercise (20 min)

Exercise objective: To prepare presentations

Once you have shipped your website you will deliver a 3-min presentation. You do not need to make slides, but you must show your product.

Your presentation you must cover the following

  • The CYF Blocks project you developed
  • Why you chose it
  • What your goals were
  • What your challenges were
  • What you learned
  • What you would do differently if you had another opportunity

::: note

Exercise (30 min)

Exercise objective: To practice public speaking skills

In small groups. Each trainee has up to 5 min to present a summary of their product their group.


Wrap up

Reflection on Fundamentals

We have worked together over these weeks exploring some of what it means to be a software developer. If you have met the criteria you will now be invited to join the Software Development Course. Let's think together about what software developers really do.

Exercise: 5 mins

Join the Jam board and add your ideas. Make sure to add only one idea per note.

Mentors will now lead a reflection and then we will do our last retro!


Retro 15m

This retro will be led by the trainees


Find the coursework for this week on the coursework page.


Spend two minutes reviewing this lesson to help us improve it for the future. This feedback will be shared with volunteers.