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Flipped classroom recap/Q&A

The flipped classroom practice should have trainees

  • define object literals and assign them to a variable
  • log objects using console.log and console.table
  • access fields of objects (using both .foo and ["foo"])
  • modify fields of objects
  • add fields to objects
  • define and access nested objects and arrays as values
  • write their first test
  • covered but not practiced (probably not useful)
    • keys with spaces/adding quotes around keys
    • delete
  • covered but probably a bit much
    • defining methods using the this keyword
  • not covered
    • using objects as a dictionary/map (i.e. using bracket notation with keys that are not string literals)

Some questions/prompts that may be useful

  • When do we use an object?
  • What notation do we use to write an object literal?
  • Consider the following object: {name: 'Helium', symbol: 'He', atomicNumber: 2,}
    • what fields (or properties) does it have
    • what are the keys of the object?
    • what are the corresponding values?
  • What kinds of data can be stored in a value?
  • In what way is a key/value pair different from a variable and its value (only in that it's contained inside an object? Otherwise, it can be changed, it can be assigned expressions of arbitrary complexity, etc.)
  • Ask trainees to write/understand a filter function against an array of objects
  • Ask trainees to write/understand a map function against an array of objects
  • Show a test from a previous week and ask what the test is doing (trainees have all the pieces of notation at this point, though the expect(foo).toEqual(bar) chaining probably needs some handwaving)




Build a static mockup first

  • I'll normally have the trainees first make a prototype static html version of the expected output, based on their interpretation of the homework's written task
  • Do they agree? Give them time to discuss it and convince each other. If they all agree on the same wrong question interpretation, I'll be tempted to aim for that rather than correct them - knowing the learning objectives is important here.
  • Normally I'll have them do this mockup on codepen, or somewhere quite distinct from their programmatically-constructed work so they don't mix them up.

Give trainees the intended HTML

  • I'd much prefer the exercise provided these mock-ups up-front, so the trainee can focus on the programming task. They waste a lot of time trying to interpret ambiguous task statements, and I'm sure volunteers also waste a lot of time trying to write them clearly, too. Picture is worth a 1000 words.

DOM Tree diagram

  • I'll have (or I'll help) the trainees draw the intended DOM tree based on their static HTML prototype. By hand is best ( is quick and simple).
  • I'll have the trainees draw the starting DOM diagram (often the exercise has a starting div element into which the trainees will append created elements)
  • I'll show the trainees how I think of createElement and appendElement working - the former creating an element that is imagined but not yet attached to the tree
  • I'll stress that only those elements attached somehow to the tree will be shown.

Element view in dev tools

  • This will come in particularly useful when the trainees are debugging the addition of elements which are invisible due to missing text content.


  • Guide the trainees in breaking down the task into smaller steps, including learning experiments not directly contributing to the final wanted HTML.
  • With each subtask, prepare starting and target versions of HTML prototype codepen, and the starting version of the DOM tree diagram.

Use ALL of the representations

  • Get trainees to work through making the changes to the static HTML prototype (codepen) and then their DOM tree diagram, talking through the operations they need (creating an element, appending an element (where?)).
  • get commitment to predictions at each point.
  • Be wary of overwhelming the trainees with too many representations, but if they've met all of these individually with the exception of the DOM tree diagram, I have only seen struggling trainees embrace these different views and benefit from them. Certainly let them choose the ones that work best for them. Whatever helps them to reason about the task, their code, and the changes they need to make to it.