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0) Flipped Classroom Practice (3h)

1.1 Given the following array of objects

let people = [
{ name: "Bob", age: 30 },
{ name: "Hamed", age: 15 },
{ name: "John", age: 20 },
{ name: "Elise", age: 35 },
{ name: "Nasir", age: 24 },

Use the appropriate array method(s) to

  • Log to the console an array containing the people older than 25
  • Log to the console an array containing the names of the people
[ { name: 'Bob', age: 30 }, { name: 'Elise', age: 35 } ]
[ 'Bob', 'Hamed', 'John', 'Elise', 'Nasir']

2.1 TDD practice

Fork and clone Begin solving the exercise by answering the questions about the first few steps.

2.2 Finish solving the exercise, continuing to write tests step by step.

1) Review Solutions for Last Weeks Coursework

Before starting this week, be sure to review the solutions for last weeks coursework

Make sure you work out what you don't understand and spend some time considering how the code works.

In each of the folders you'll find a file that will explain more of the solution to you. You should read each of them.

Note: This is a private repository. Please speak to your Teacher, Buddy or Class Coordinator to get access. You should ask them to invite your whole class.

2) CodeWars (1 hour)

Every week you need to complete at least three kata. Spend at least 20 minutes, three times a week, on your kata workout. You must be at level 7 kyu or below in this week of the course.

Find the Collection for JS2 Week 2 on the CodeYourFuture account:

3) JavaScript Challenges (3 hours) 🔑

Here are a set of exercise that will help you to solidify your knowledge of JavaScript.

For this step, open the "Mandatory" folder and complete all of the challenges.

Before you start, make sure you fork the repository to your Github account.

4) Sign Up to Render (20 minutes)

Render is a hosting site for static sites (front end).

Sign up for a free account only. Sign in with github.

5) Module Project

Begin your module project, if you have not done so already.

8) Teamwork Project - Gathering requirements (PD - 3 hr)

Thinking back to your Agile Development class on JavaScript 1, Week 1, your group should:

  • Define what would be the minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Define which features are need for the MVP
  • Create some user stories that reflect these features

Stretch target: define the acceptance criteria of the user stories so that you can ensure that developer and tester have all the necessary information

9) Teamwork Project - Resolving conflicts (PD - 1 hr)

If you need to remember this video on Resolving Workplace Conflict, watch it again. It's 7 minutes long. Make a plan about how to resolve conflicts in your group.

10) Agile reading (PD - 1 hr)

Read the following material and share your 3 key takeaways: