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1) Debugging Practice (3 hours)

We've hosted some Servers on Glitch but they're not quite working properly. Could you fix them for us?

Set up the examples above locally

  • Have the project forked and cloned.
  • Create a new branch named yourname + NAME_OF_EXERCISE
  • Make sure to edit the appropriate project from the cloned repository.
  • Start up your server, then check that it is working by making a request to /
  • Fix the code on your version of the server
  • Create a PR with your solution back in GitHub. Make sure you name your PR yourname + NAME_OF_EXERCISE

2) Chat Server API Project (12 Hours+) 🔑

Take a look at this repository:

Chat Server

In that repository folder you will find a task to create a Chat Server.

To complete the coursework you should:

  1. Make sure that the repository has been forked
  2. Go to the chat-server folder and complete the tasks
  3. Create a pull request back to the original repository

3) Prepare a Presentation (1 Hour)

Prepare a VERY simple recap of what we did and what we learned in today's class in Node Week 1.

The presentation should last between 60 and 120 seconds

Time yourselves - that is NOT much time!

Next class we will be presenting to each other to share what we have learnt.

NOTE: Slides (or presenting from computer) is NOT allowed.

4) CodeWars (1 hour)

Every week you need to complete at least three kata. Spend at least 20 minutes, three times a week, on your kata workout.

Find the collection on the CodeYourFuture account:

5) Challenges (Stretch)

Mailing List Server

6) Reflect about your own biases (PD - 1 hr)

Think of when you are stressed, feeling tired, rushed, as these situations tend to activate our biases. How may these feelings influence your behavior when working with a group? Reflect in a 250 word essay.

7) Challenge yourself (PD - 15 min)

Take an Implicit Association Test (IAT) here to identify what your unconscious biases are. There are multiple topics to choose from: Age, Gender, Sexuality, Skin-tone, Ethnicity, etc. Remember: Awareness is the first step to combatting bias.