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All of the coursework for this week can be found in the Node Homework repository here under the Week 3 folder

1) FreeCodeCamp (6 Hours)

Now that we've reached Week 3 it's a great time to consolidate everything we've learnt - complete this FreeCodeCamp course on "Basic Node and Express"

2) Hotel Server (12 Hours+) 🔑

Remember your Hotel project from React? Let's build an API to make that work!

Take a look at the project here:

Hotel Server

To complete the coursework you should:

  1. Make sure that the repository has been forked
  2. Go into the hotel-bookings-api folder and complete the tasks
  3. Create a pull request back to the original repository

3) CodeWars (1 hour)

Every week you need to complete at least three kata. Spend at least 20 minutes, three times a week, on your kata workout.

Find the collection on the CodeYourFuture account:

4) Challenges (Stretch)

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