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1) Mid-Course Feedback

We're now over half way through the Software Development Course!

Your feedback is really important to us. We use your feedback to improve the course for all of the hundreds of trainees across CodeYourFuture now and in the future.

This feedback is anonymous meaning we won't have an idea who you are after you submit.

We really appreciate you being honest since this allows us to improve faster.

2) Review Solutions for the TV Show Project

At the end of this week, be sure to review the solutions for last weeks coursework


Note: This is a private repository. Please speak to your Teacher, Buddy or Class Coordinator to get access. You should ask them to invite your whole class.

3) In Class Exercises

If you haven't already, complete the in-class exercises on your pokedex app.

4) CYF Hotel (7 hours)

4.1) Complete the exercises

Complete all of the Lesson 1 exercises in the cyf-hotel-react project:

Make sure that you read the installation instructions carefully.

4.2) Deploy your Hotel app

Once you have set up your React Hotel application, you should deploy it to Netlify.

Follow the deployment instructions.

Once it is deployed, follow these instructions to change your new site's name to (where USERNAME is YOUR Github username)

Check that your site is visible at: https://cyf-[[your-github-username]] Please also include this URL in your pull request.

5) FreeCodeCamp Practice (3 hours)

You should complete the following exercises from this website:

  • Create a Simple JSX Element
  • Create a Complex JSX Element
  • Add Comments in JSX
  • Render HTML Elements to the DOM
  • Define an HTML Class in JSX
  • Learn About Self-Closing JSX Tags
  • Create a Stateless Functional Component

6) Challenges (10 hours+)

The best way to get better at React is to practice by building small projects.

To help you with project ideas, we have provided several challenges. You can see a full list of the challenges here. Some you can complete now, but some require knowledge of later weeks - look out for the "Prerequisites" section in the instructions.

We recommend that you attempt the following challenge:

Stretch Goals: Some other suitable projects for you to work on right now are:

You should complete these challenges in the order they are in above.

7) Codewars (1 hour)

Do your usual three kata and then...

  1. Find the pinned suggestions thread in the #cyf-codewars Slack channel
  2. Suggest a kata, or upvote one, to add to the syllabus

8) IronHack Labs Practice (Stretch)

If you want more practice with the basics of making React components and passing props,

You should completed exercises 1-7 of


  • Do NOT make a pull request although the repo readme says so. We don't want the staff at the other school getting your PRs!
  • Skip or simplify "Iteration 3" if you have problems with the maths.
    • E.g. just pass a max number <RandomNumber max={100} /> and multiply that by Math.random(). Or pass no props.
  • In "Iteration 6" just pass the prop as normal: <Rating rating={4.5} />.
    • To do it as specified in the exercise would require you to use something new: "props.children".

9) Prepare for the next class (1 hour)

In our next class we'll be exploring the difference between Props vs State.

Spend some time reading about the difference between the two.

Here are some resources to get you started

  1. Read Props vs State

How Self-Confident Are You? (PD - 1 hr)

Read this article and do the quiz that is part of it. After you do, write a 250-word reflection on the results you got (was it what you expected, did something surprise you, have you learned anything from it etc).

Optional material: